The Left thinks of itself as “liberal” and the Right as “illiberal.”
Is this correct? I represent the Right and think of myself as a Classical
Liberal. Essentially, I believe in minimal interference by the state, freedom of speech, democracy
and equality before the law. The Left however, insists on policing free speech
and “no-platforming” people they disagree with. They believe in an all-powerful
state which trumps individual liberties, and they agree with democracy only
in-so-far as the Demos agrees with them. The Left wishes to apply different
laws to different sections of humanity, hence hate crime legislation which was
always intended to be used against the unprotected class in favour of the
protected class. There is a word for this - totalitarianism. The only reason this is not an accepted reality is because the
illiberal Left control the media and educational establishments in much the
same way said establishments were once controlled by the Nazis and the
Communists. . The Left is very much illiberal. The Right is liberal.
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