Wednesday 29 January 2014

Breivik and the Wicked Leftist Media

A world controlled by the wicked and immoral Left is a very unpleasant place in which to live. At the furthest extremity of Left-wingery we have genocide, totalitarianism, Gulags and evil. At the softer end of Left-wingery we have propaganda, lies, MSNBC, smears, the BBC, hatred of tradition and decency, and the concomitant incremental demise of the Western democracy historically defended by millions of our young men who now lie in graves both marked and unmarked across the Western world.

Unfortunately for the decent, intelligent and moral people today, the Left have largely carried out their Long March and now control the institutions which form the thoughts and opinions of the vast majority of Western peoples. He who controls the media and the educational establishment controls the past, the present, and the future, just as Hitler, Stalin and their present day Socialist comrades-in-arms intended.

To really see what this means in 2014, we need look no further than the case of Anders Behring Breivik, the counter-jihad movement, and the truly obscene behaviour of the Leftist media – particularly so in Scandinavian countries.

In 2011 Breivik carried out his murderous spree, to the shock and horror of all decent people everywhere. The Leftist media however, which had already made up its mind about certain individuals within the counter-jihad movement, sought to use this act of evil purely to mount an assault upon high profile individuals whose “crime” was to peacefully and accurately draw attention to the dangers involved in allowing a barbaric ideology by the name of Islam to flourish both demographically and “culturally” within the cohesive, peaceful and Christian West.

I am not going to go into forensic detail about the actions of the Leftist media, which have been covered in depth already by Robert Spencer, Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna, and Fjordman, all of whom were viciously attacked by Left-wing journalists who were outraged (rightly so) by the actions of Breivik, but who had all remained smugly mute for years over the numerically far higher number of murders carried out in the name of Islam or Socialism.

Just to give a couple of typical examples, the Guardian newspaper, chock full of wicked Leftists, remarked that America had been given the bloody nose she so manifestly deserved on 9/11, whilst the BBC bent over backwards to excuse Islam whilst reducing the then U.S. Ambassador to tears in front of a baying mob of specifically imported Muslims and Leftists within a BBC studio.

But why such overt double standards over two acts of similar atrocity? Why the total failure to hold up the Koran and the hadith for 9/11? And why the massive, concerted and hysterical smear campaign against Bodissey, Spencer and Fjordman?

The answer of course is because the Left wish to use Islam as a pawn in the breakdown of Western Nation States, Christianity, and free enterprise-AKA capitalism. An orderly, affluent, peaceful, civilised country contains very few potential voters for the far- Left, so even if Islam did not exist, the Left would have to invent it – and then eagerly import it. There can be no better ideological ally if the intention is to manufacture social unrest and potential civil war, which justifies ever-increasing authoritarianism prior to the eventual full blown Leftist totalitarianism necessary to keep a lid on things.

Hence the smearing of the counter-jihad, and the politically deceitful defence of the so called religion of peace. But in a rational and sane world (ie: a non-Leftist world) there is one overwhelming and striking difference between the gentle, polite, articulate and well informed output of the counter-jihad movement, and the murderous actions of both Breivik and similarly violent Muslim supremacists, which is starkly simple - Bodissey, Spencer and Fjordman have never once called for violence to be inflicted upon Muslims or Leftists, but Muslims and Leftists routinely call for (and practice) violence upon those they disagree with.

Which, over a long and meandering route, brings me to the point of this article, which is the near total refusal of the MSM to publicise the recent Breivik letter to the MSM where he essentially admits he considers the counter-jihad movement to be comprised of a bunch of panty-waisted individuals with no appetite for killing, no admiration for Nazism, no desire for violence and perhaps even worse, a sympathy for Israel. Ho ho ho, he says, I have attempted to discredit the entire movement which I hate with a passion for its passive, intellectual, peaceful approach to the Islamic problem, and I have been greatly assisted by the cretinous Leftist media......

Breivik is positively gloating over the ease with which he pulled the wool over the Leftist media’s eyes, but he should not be so hubristic, because the anti-Western Leftist media actively wanted to be deliberately blinded to truth, reason, decency and fact. And what then, is the outcome of this?

Not good is the answer. Not good for anyone. Mild mannered, scholarly and peaceful people have been falsely smeared and stigmatised, whilst violent Islam has been falsely defended. And all the while, the anger amongst the peoples of the West continues to build to an eventual future extent where the Bodissey’s, Spencer’s and Fjordman’s of this world – who provide an accurate, impartial and peaceful analysis of our problems - will be replaced by people with an altogether different outlook, as we are already beginning to see in the rise of several real fascist movements in Europe.

So please allow me to offer my most sincere congratulations to the Leftist media. You have attacked the peaceful, native defenders of Western civilisation and labelled them as evil, whilst defending the foreign, violent attackers of Western civilisation, who you disingenuously promote as harmless, virtuous and good.

What a thoroughly evil lot you are. No journalistic integrity; no personal morality and no common, basic decency amongst any of you. Will we see a single one of you publish Breivik’s admission? Of course not, and of course not for a pretty simple reason – you are too immersed in your wicked Leftist activism to behave in a way any normal person outside the all-smothering political Leftist world would recognise as brave, responsible, impartial, good or decent. You are more than a disgrace to your profession; you are a treacherous disgrace to humanity.

For more detailed analysis, please see the following articles:

Paul Weston ( Jack Buckby and Enza Ferreri of Liberty GB are standing in the European Union elections in May 2014. If you would like to financially support their campaign, do please DONATE HERE.


  1. First let me say I don't cry for a single one of Breivik's victims. They were all engaged, or going to be engaged, in helping hostile aliens enter and parasitically live off of ordinary Norwegians and rape, kill, rob, intimidate and humiliate them.

    Breivik's strategy of radicalization is nothing new, the concept of "sharpening the contradictions" as I think it is called is 19th century leftism. Less-violent leftists aren't marginalized or made irrelevant by it, as more-violent leftists hope, because they use it as part of their good cop-bad cop strategy.

    Conservatives on the other hand have stuck themselves with good cop-no cop- they can't endorse violence or even strong words, and they won't even say this is what oppression produces. I'll say it, though- Breivik was the product of a brutal, oppressive society that demands young Europeans kowtow to violent scum. Europeans mostly being very obedient, this mostly works, but as Islamic oppression in Europe gets worse you may see more Breiviks, then more.

  2. Mr. Weston, I enjoyed your video of June 2013. Someone just now sent the link to me in an email. I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    Also, as an American, I thank you for mentioning the disgusting way many Britons acted after 911 and were never called out globally, especially the Question Time episode that the overwhelming majority of Americans know nothing about. I've known about it for over a decade. I also lived in England and know about the extreme anti-Americanism in the UK. So, thank you.

    I just wanted to put this out there to you. The stereotypes Westerners have of National Socialism are wrong. These same media outlets, as well as the entertainment media, have propagandized and lied about what happened and have pounded it into the heads of Westerners for decades, and at the same time, have ignored the atrocities of our dear allies in WWII, the Soviets, even though many of us today lived during some of the enslavement of the Eastern Europeans. Our dear Marxist allies had committed genocide on 11 million Ukrainians even before your hero Churchill had your soldiers serve alongside them to kill white gentile Nazis. And they're the same Western media that lied about the Nazis committing the Katyn massacre. I wonder why ...

    And while we're at it, it's the same media that pushed for boycotts and pressure against South Africa which now has the Marxist government covertly committing genocide on the white gentile farmers that were the breadbasket of Africa while Hollywood and stupid Westerners cheer its success as a nation.

    National Socialism is an ideology that protects your race, your culture and your territory and resources. It supports charity to the most vulnerable in your country, people with the same culture and work ethic. You can't put broken third-world cultures in a country that gives out benefits. They become leaches.

    It supports strong animal rights, defends homeschooling (contrary to what the Leftist media tells us), forbids pornography and would never allow today's widespread White Slave Trade that the leaders of our White Western countries ignore. It would NEVER import a culture that makes the rape against white females triple and it would never allow an anti-woman ideology like Islam into its borders.

    Most of all, Mr. Weston, it would not allow the small cabal of bank owners to control the economy and create useless paper money that they can manipulate at any time. When Germany created its own money, Mr. Weston, that's when the boycotts against their country started.

    The protection against the race of the people is written into the laws of the land in a National Socialist country. Countries with unfettered freedom and democracy are only temporary, because other cultures use our freedom to take our countries from us.

    You're right, the wicked Leftist media has lied about many things -- more than you realize.

  3. Let me also clarify for you that "Neo-Nazis" are not passionate about defending Israel and do not admire Churchill as Breivik did, regardless of what this "letter" attributed to the incarcerated Brevinik says. You and your fellow Zionists are just like the "wicked Leftist media" you hate so much.

  4. JP, in what possible way am I a Zionist?

  5. Paul, God bless you for your courage and moral standards. I am an American and the day will come when we will have your problem too. I am prepared to fight to the death to defeat Islam in America. I have 6 beautiful blonde granddaughters and I will die to protect them. So far, we still have our guns although the progressive left is doing everything they can do to take them. We will not surrender. All decent, moral civilized people need to overcome the left liberal ideology of coddling Islam and fight like we have never fought before. Forget political correctness, our children are at risk. Civilization is at risk. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

  6. When racial nationalists whine this way, you know the free open Western media are doing a good job keeping our amazing civic Western civilisation free from race nationalists.

  7. Anonymous, who do you think are the real racists? People like me, or radical Muslims who are killing all around the world as they seek total power and supremacy?

  8. There is one flaw in your essay. You say the left wing media control the masses but the majority of British people read right wing papers like the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily express, all of whom have much higher circulation levels then the Guardian.

    But it is sadly true that our education system is under the leftist jackboot. Same goes for most of the public sector except for the Armed Forces and the police service.

    I fear the leftists will maintain their grip of their fiefdom until a combination of economic collapse and open muslim insurrection sweeps them aside. Then the by then desperate native UK population with our backs to the wall will defuse this islamic timebomb without our hands tied by the defunct liberal establishment. It won't be pretty but when its over the British nation will be fully vacinated against this disease called cultural marxism

  9. caroline artus7 April 2014 at 03:40

    Dear Mister Weston,

    Thank you so much to say the truth about left and islam and everything about the future world our governements are creating = an evil !
    I am French and we know exactly the same problems as you in Britain and everywhere in Europe about islam. Exactly the same problems with left and hard-left who are everywhere (but the right is the same in fact, just more hidden) : mass-media, law administration (the criminals are always excused and don't risk a lot or nothing), and , the absolute horror : at school from 2 yeras old now very soon = left and homosexual propagande, and any culture. They have 12 and don't know reading neither writting but know everything about sex.
    But i am sure we need to fight alltogether in order to get a chance to stop immigration, mondialisation and so on.
    I don't want my children and my grand children live in such a world. Freedomless, and with the most of the people considered as salves and rich more and more rich.

    Thank you again for everything you do, mister Weston.

    Islam and mondialisation are our nightmare, we have to implicate in our own way to fight them.

    Caroline Artus

    ps1 : i write on a website "Boulevard Voltaire")
    ps2 : excuse-me my bad english, i hope you can understand what i mean , at least, in general...

  10. caroline artus7 April 2014 at 03:41

    Dear Mister Weston,

    Thank you so much to say the truth about left and islam and everything about the future world our governements are creating = an evil !
    I am French and we know exactly the same problems as you in Britain and everywhere in Europe about islam. Exactly the same problems with left and hard-left who are everywhere (but the right is the same in fact, just more hidden) : mass-media, law administration (the criminals are always excused and don't risk a lot or nothing), and , the absolute horror : at school from 2 yeras old now very soon = left and homosexual propagande, and any culture. They have 12 and don't know reading neither writting but know everything about sex.
    But i am sure we need to fight alltogether in order to get a chance to stop immigration, mondialisation and so on.
    I don't want my children and my grand children live in such a world. Freedomless, and with the most of the people considered as salves and rich more and more rich.

    Thank you again for everything you do, mister Weston.

    Islam and mondialisation are our nightmare, we have to implicate in our own way to fight them.

    Caroline Artus

    ps1 : i write on a website "Boulevard Voltaire")
    ps2 : excuse-me my bad english, i hope you can understand what i mean , at least, in general...

  11. You are exceptional, to see through the lies and pretense, unusual.
    Your honesty is refreshing. If only there were more like you, England and the United States would not be in the awful situation they are now in.
    Keep up the good work, you are appreciated, and I will do all I can to inform others and hope that they will support you. God bless you.

  12. Paul,
    My eyes have been opened to the demographic changes going on in the UK and Europe. Our politicians have thrown away our Christian heritage which our ancestors died for us to have. Will our grandchildren be dhimmies in their own country?
    How are we only being made aware of this now by a few brave people on the Internet ? Why haven't the media talked about this instead of the diet of celebrity crap that they feed us on? I read about a wave of rapes in beautiful tolerant Sweden by muslim immigrants and my heart breaks. We have been betrayed by our overlords. God bless you and Geert Wilders, and everybody else who stands up to this, the most important issue for Europe in the 21st Century.
